Newsmen [noun]

Definition of Newsmen:


Opposite/Antonyms of Newsmen:


Sentence/Example of Newsmen:

There were three other newsmen at the bar, and they gave him snickering greetings.

Newsmen walked quickly to what they thought was a safe distance.

If he's with us, we'll go ahead as planned; if he's not, we'll just have to call in the newsmen.

Look, Lieutenant, you haven't said anything to the newsmen yet, have you?

So hold off on that release to the newsmen as long as you can.

On those occasions would the hallway he crowded with reporters, newsmen, and television cameramen?

The union boss's office was crowded with TV cameras, newsmen, and puzzled workmen.

In the gallery—empty during ordinary duels—sat a privileged handful of newsmen.

The newsmen turned toward Odal, who stood before his booth, quietly chatting with his seconds.

They watched intently while the other newsmen quickly filed back into the gallery.