Nickered [verb]

Definition of Nickered:

call out, yell

Synonyms of Nickered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Nickered:

Sentence/Example of Nickered:

He nickered a soft welcome and laid his nose on her shoulder.

He nickered affectionately as his master came up and led him out.

Travis' pony lifted his head, nickered, and achieved a stumbling trot.

Pat nickered joyful greeting, as if understanding what was to come.

Boyar, lifting his head, nickered and was answered by Rally, entering the meadow.

He nickered like a pony and said he was the dog in this deal.

As chance would have it, Siegfried's pony, perhaps recognizing a friend among those passing, nickered shrilly its greeting.

The horse turned his fine head and nickered softly as he rubbed his soft nose on her shoulder.

As they stepped out to the veranda, the horses recognized Cheyenne and nickered gently.

Dobe turned and marched deliberately away from the road, heading toward the west, and nickered.