Noticing [adjective]

Definition of Noticing:


Synonyms of Noticing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Noticing:


Sentence/Example of Noticing:

"I should like much to see her," said Philip, not noticing the latter remark.

Whilst we lunched I looked at him when he was not noticing me.

As they reached the first floor, noticing Pierre's emotion, Victorine smiled.

"Yes, you will," Adams returned, not noticing that his son's inflection was satiric.

But what she was noticing was the flagging effort of his vivacity.

Noticing his kindly air, however, she soon told him the truth.

Put the chicken into it to simmer gently, noticing the time, so that it may not be over-cooked.

"Yes, yes; I know," she continued, noticing the expression on her companion's face.

Miss Graham, noticing his hesitation, hastened to end the inquisition.

Then, noticing her gown, he added: "But you're going out, aren't you?"