Numerators [noun]
Definition of Numerators:
unit of the mathematical system
Synonyms of Numerators:
● Sum
● Total
● Figure
● Count
● Digit
● Emblem
● Prime
● Symbol
● Sign
● Cipher
● Cardinal
● Fraction
● Numeral
● Ordinal
● Googol
● Integer
● Folio
● Decimal
● Chiffer
Sentence/Example of Numerators:
There was a numerator, and that was Hugh; there was a nought below and that was she.
The denominator of decimals is never written, the dot placed before the first figure of the numerator expressing its value.
A vulgar fraction is reduced to a decimal by dividing the numerator (increased sufficiently with ciphers) by the denominator.
One factor in the numerator and one in the denominator make a “pair” of factors.
It is indicated at the extreme right of the numerator in the classification.
What is the difference between the numerator and the denominator?
What have we done with the numerator and denominator in every case?
Happiness, said Carlyle, is as the value of a common fraction, which results from dividing the numerator by the denominator.
The fools are eternally trying to get happiness by multiplying the numerator, the wise divide the denominator.
If the numerator is a multiple of 5, the fraction represents twentieths.