Occultism [noun]

Definition of Occultism:

supernatural power; appearance

Opposite/Antonyms of Occultism:

Sentence/Example of Occultism:

I am no believer in occultism, but there are premonitions which one cannot deny.

But occultism has more than this to teach us on the subject.

How can one tell but that all occultism is merely unknown science?

From the standpoint of occultism there is no dead force and no dead matter.

Including a study of the chief points of psychotherapeutics and occultism.

From this time forward she became curious about “Occultism.”

He was a mystic, but had a certain dislike of occultism and theosophy.

Above all things, beware of occultism, that caricature of science.

It will no doubt prove of interest to students of occultism.

The whole history of Occultism and Science proves the above.