Ogresses [noun]

Definition of Ogresses:

horrifying person or thing

Synonyms of Ogresses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ogresses:

Sentence/Example of Ogresses:

Miss Lizzie was the grim and terrible Ogress who dwelt in her lonely castle.

With a light heart the young man awaited the return of the ogress.

They started on their way, and came to a sheep-farm which belonged to the ogress.

They kept on and came to a well, and near it the ogress was sitting.

Then the fox threw the ogress down the well, and then entered the ogress' palace.

Rosella did as she was told, but the ogress was so angry she was going to eat her.

When the ogress heard this she unclasped her hands, saying, "How did my son die?"

When the ogress heard it she burst a blood-vessel (in her heart) and died.

Then the ogress could stand it no longer, and died in great anguish.

The ogress, all cut and torn, followed after the lovers, dripping with blood.