Oligarchic [adjective]

Definition of Oligarchic:

governed by small group

Synonyms of Oligarchic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Oligarchic:


Sentence/Example of Oligarchic:

The oligarchic capitalists of Stolgoland have been plotting to attack us for years.

Athens supported the democratic party, Sparta the oligarchic.

We are oligarchic in all things, from our parliament to our army.

Over most of Greece in each state the oligarchic faction favoured the Peloponnesian league, the democratic, Athens.

Thucydides knew only the independent city, oligarchic or democratic, and the city which would fain be independent but was not.

They became, one, the champion of the democracy; the other, the hope of the oligarchic faction.

But it was to be carried into practical effect by despotic or oligarchic methods.

Thus he had little difficulty in cutting down every institution that restricted his power, whether popular or oligarchic.

The monarchical form of government had yielded to the republican, but in its worst shape—the oligarchic.

What the oligarchic faction did when triumphant, we see hereafter in the establishment of the Thirty Tyrants.