Opiate [noun]

Definition of Opiate:


Synonyms of Opiate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Opiate:


Sentence/Example of Opiate:

It was a luxury so penetrating and powerful that it affected him like an opiate.

But while there's life there's hope, you know; and meantime I'll send you an opiate to relieve the pain.

A strong emetic and a subsequent cathartic; and then an opiate and the bark.

"I will prepare an opiate," said the physician in a whisper.

Her fried chicken and creamed gravy and mashed potatoes had been an opiate.

An overdose of the opiate the doctor was giving her to ease her pain.

A little forcing of her innocence now was necessary as an opiate for her conscience.

When Love is hurt, it is self-love that requires the opiate.

That meant not only the loss of an opiate, but also heavy punishment.

Oh, I ought to have my medicine—not the opiate, but the other.