Originates [verb]

Definition of Originates:

begin; spring

Synonyms of Originates:

Opposite/Antonyms of Originates:

Sentence/Example of Originates:

In considering the third kind of sense, hearing, we must speak of the causes in which it originates.

It originates not a single material of thought, volition, or action.

What is it originates, directs, and controls the motive power?

If He originates all, he must originate evil as well as good.

It originates in the spontaneous operation 78 of the whole mind.

It originates in the large cirque or ice-made cañon on the peak.

Origin and extinction are not changes of that which originates or becomes extinct.

What is it originates, directs and controls, the motive power?

It is new, but has its root in the old; it is natural, but originates in the over-nature.

But the law is not a torch that sheds light that originates within itself.