Outraging [noun]

Definition of Outraging:

atrocity, evil

Synonyms of Outraging:

Opposite/Antonyms of Outraging:

Sentence/Example of Outraging:

As Lizzie put it, Sarah's appearance was an outrage on her contemporaries.

Burke was fairly gasping over this outrage against his authority.

Take them off instantly, and tell me what you mean by this outrage.

The outrage on the Warden was not so grotesque, but the effect was the same.

"It would have been an outrage, sir, if he had won it," broke in a stranger.

The inference is that he was imported from abroad for the purpose of committing this outrage.

But Walter's expression was that of a person upon whom an outrage has just been perpetrated.

But he had gone from extravagance to extravagance, from outrage to outrage.

He lacked words to express his sense of so gross an outrage.

There was another boom in recruiting just then, following on another German outrage.