Overbold [adjective]

Definition of Overbold:

bold, shameless

Synonyms of Overbold:

Opposite/Antonyms of Overbold:

Sentence/Example of Overbold:

He looked at her as he said this, but instantly withdrew his eyes, fearing he had been overbold.

But in my error I had blundered, overbold, and I tried to explain confusedly.

Overbold, audacious; overhang, impend; overweigh, preponderate.

He said, reddening: "I almost fear to tell thee, lest thou think me overbold and be angry with me."

Why art thou so overbold, Frithiof, that thou art come here without the leave of my brethren to make the gods angry with thee?

Overbold speculation has ere now betrayed even orthodox theologians into accidental error.

The girl kept her appointment unpainted and unadorned, afraid and overbold by turns.

At last she began to notice about her strange faces—faces that were evil, wanton, or overbold.

Neither Benton nor Cara had alluded to the man's overbold assertion that he would find a way.

We were none of us overbold; our faith was not strong enough to run the risk of spoiling the illusion.