Overplayed [verb]

Definition of Overplayed:

be dramatic

Synonyms of Overplayed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Overplayed:

Sentence/Example of Overplayed:

"I overplayed my hand when I made Cinnabar sore," he muttered.

She overplayed the tomboy, just as she did every rôle she essayed.

Just how far he had overplayed his hand, that man never knew.

They found her cool and serene—indeed she seems rather to have overplayed the part.

Indeed, one establishment has overplayed the game to the extent of renaming itself "The Bohemia."

But they have overplayed their game, and they never dreamed of that stroke of his, which may give us time to save him.

Her mere words may have meant fear lest she had overplayed her part—no more!

Which would indicate that Stella Kamps, in her protean endeavours, had overplayed the parts just a trifle.

Right here in Choteau County they's some several of 'em choked out on the end of a tight one, because they overplayed their hand.

She waited an instant, and when he failed to say more began to see that she had overplayed her hand.