Palmist [noun]

Definition of Palmist:

person, thing that predicts future

Synonyms of Palmist:

Opposite/Antonyms of Palmist:


Sentence/Example of Palmist:

The palmist professes to point out how to avoid the ills of life.

"Within the next few years," answered the palmist cautiously.

And the palmist smiled archly, then leant back and closed her eyes.

As she got up, "I see two beautiful children in your hand," added the palmist.

It does not follow that because one palmist has been at fault, all palmists are at fault.

We have them still with us--the palmist, the fortune-teller, the fake-spiritist.

If three were kept they might be called Palm, Palmer and Palmist.

It was a bit of society verse, airy and delicate, which he had named “The Palmist.”

So she'd come up to see a palmist, or some kind of an expert about him.

I had my fortune told years ago, and the palmist said that if a certain line had had a bend in it I should have been hanged.