Pap [noun]

Definition of Pap:


Synonyms of Pap:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pap:

Sentence/Example of Pap:

I was prodding for my food into a camp-kettle when they were howling for their pap.

This was the last time Cornelia ever remonstrated with Pap John.

Then drain off the water, bruise the bread fine, and mix it with as much new milk as will make a pap of a moderate thickness.

I should never have dreamed of describing the articles in The Belfast Newsletter as pap.

Dave took the shotgun an' pap has grandpap's flintlock, but Billy didn't have a gun.

"Just a tickling at the pap o' the hass," he said in English; and then we both laughed.

Strong meat for old man Minick who had so long been fed on pap.

Let Pap sue for his account, send the transcript on and I'll get it or I'll know why.

If Pap has an agreement with Palmer, it's a fraud too, don't go by it.

Changed from Pap pophorum to Pappophorum to match other occurrences.