Parkways [noun]

Definition of Parkways:


Synonyms of Parkways:

Opposite/Antonyms of Parkways:


Sentence/Example of Parkways:

The main street was wide, with a parkway in the center, shaded with cottonwoods.

Many turned around in circles at entrances to the Parkway and failed to enter.

Across from the county jail on the parkway there near the esplanade.

At the gate of the neat little frame house far up on the Parkway, her driver hesitated.

"The little house on the Parkway, where you took me the first time," she directed on a sudden impulse.

It's she whom those other men are after; she used to live with her grandson, a hunchback, in that cottage upon the Parkway.

Maybe she'd be safer in a little town like Patchogue than among these grand homes on the Parkway.

Calling your attention to the rear entrance from the parkway, the driveway, what is there to the north of that, another building?

For a mile or so they swept along the parkway until they arrived at the gate which led into the wood.

But the faade on the parkway, through which a small brook called the "Montagne" meandered most delightfully, was most impressive.