Participate [verb]

Definition of Participate:

take part in activity

Opposite/Antonyms of Participate:

Sentence/Example of Participate:

So let us hasten to this institution, and participate this divine joy.

Palliating the evil, hiding the evil, voting for the evil, do we not participate in it?

Still, this did not mean that he would refuse to participate in matters of business.

Dupot and Mondesir made haste to participate in Gascogne's triumph.

I was then at an age to feel and to participate in her sorrows.

If, then, the others have parts, they will participate in the whole and in the one.

And if all number participates in being, every part of number will also participate?

And will not the things which participate in the one, be other than it?

Do they participate in the ideas, or do they merely resemble them?

Mr. Cashel, confess that you participate in all my raptures.