Passe [adjective]

Definition of Passe:


Opposite/Antonyms of Passe:

Sentence/Example of Passe:

What shulde thei do in scholes but passe the daye in chydyng and beatynge?

But I could never learne the cause why it should be so called, and therefore I will let it passe.

Manie of them for hast were drowned in a riuer which they had to passe.

This pear came from a seed of the Passe Colmar sown by M. Mas in 1850.

They will passe for current at a May-pole, and purchase a favour from their May-Marian.

Which being brought in question, they were fownd to have no passe.

They come and look at your bloody plakaard and then passe on.

These, the instructions state, are "to passe as by-letters."

The sixt containes some notable places by which the Climats passe.

For I must passe that tyme in doynge my dewty to my howsehold.