Pasture [noun]

Definition of Pasture:

field for animals

Synonyms of Pasture:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pasture:


Sentence/Example of Pasture:

In the dewy mornings, she hop-skipped and jumped by his side into the pasture to bring in the cows.

He could run a mower, and clean a pasture of weeds in a day.

After entering the pasture, the princess paused and looked around.

Down in the pasture at the end of the lane lived an old woodchuck.

Butter and milk, the produce of their own pasture, were of course supplied.

The best time for making cheese is when the pasture is in perfection.

And what about the garden, and the fruit, if you turn the water all down into the pasture?

I walked up through the pasture and passed the "Great Ledge."

Tusser also describes this use of land alternately as pasture and arable.

Land which was in part already abandoned, was turned into pasture.