Pathetic [adjective]

Definition of Pathetic:

sad, affecting

Synonyms of Pathetic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pathetic:

Sentence/Example of Pathetic:

The fate of Owthorne, a village once existing not far from Withernsea, is pathetic.

Her fingers were stiff, but so was her will: the way she stuck to her work was pathetic.

You must have your soup, and (I do not mean to be pathetic) what is soup without salt?

The father looked at Mary with a reproach that was pathetic.

There was a pathetic pleading in the dulled eyes with which he regarded the Inspector.

But the gentle, pathetic character of Arthur is all Shakespeare's.

"Hamlet" is a drama of pathetic weakness, strengthened by a drama of revenge and jealousy.

In a pathetic sort of way, she mothered Christine in lieu of her own daughter.

It gave him a curious appearance of making a pathetic appeal to the wind-shield.

You see, madam—it's a pathetic thing to say, but really I have had no home life.