Peaky [adjective]

Definition of Peaky:

pale, sick

Synonyms of Peaky:

Opposite/Antonyms of Peaky:

Sentence/Example of Peaky:

He's a peaky little chap; it comes of being a poet, I think.

It is like liberty itself, after the peaky confinement of Sicily.

She might be described as pretty, but "peaky" and "spindling."

Why or wherefore I don't know, but these last days she has been as peaky as can be.

Them peaky little clams a'most puts out all my shoulder-blades, and wunna bite through a twine of gristle.

"Your brother is gettin' to be the peaky one, nowadays," went on Mrs. Gates, with her placid frankness.

There are peaky, dark mountains beyond this—just as across the vast bay are gloomy hills.

I thought there was something wrong about you when you came in; you had a peaky, under-fed look.

His features were peaky and sallow, and his little pointed beard was thready and ill-nourished.

His peaky little beard, and the way he carried himself, as well as the quickness of his movements, told one that.