Pettings [noun]

Definition of Pettings:

luxury; gratification

Opposite/Antonyms of Pettings:

Sentence/Example of Pettings:

There would be no pettings and caressings from her, that was quite certain.

Civilly, he would endure the pettings of these visiting outlanders.

He took the pettings seriously, and fretted over women not worth saddling a pony to call upon.

But just then, Miss Baby having had enough of Mrs. Prideaux' pettings, set up a shout.

He was restless, till he became a willing slave to that woman's smiles, caresses and pettings.

Poor fool, he could not see that her kind talk and pettings were only a means employed to gain her end.

The attachment of the parents to their children is touching, though it is never expressed in words or pettings.

All the adored Mistress' coaxings and pettings could not rouse Lad from his dull apathy of despair.

She submitted, a little as the pampered kitten had before submitted to her own pettings.