Piebalds [noun]

Definition of Piebalds:


Synonyms of Piebalds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Piebalds:


Sentence/Example of Piebalds:

When they passed the post the Judge decided that the piebald horse had won.

They tapered in size from right to left—the piebald on the left.

See the rooster in the fur cap—him ridin' the piebald mustang?

Some of them were piebald and had white eyes—others had no eyes at all.

Then he laughed: "There won't be no piebald waitin' for it."

The prince went into the house and the piebald fetched the devil.

I have a piebald horse, that will carry you without mishap to the fairies' well.

In a minute the piebald was high up in the air and flew off like a bird.

He found stables for the piebald in a cellar at the end of the town.

What do you mean by telling me that in Cornwall piebald horses pay no turnpike?