Piercingly [adverb]

Definition of Piercingly:


Opposite/Antonyms of Piercingly:

Sentence/Example of Piercingly:

Yet I continued to need to share Christ with humanity, piercingly, pressingly.

We should have been most comfortable but for the piercingly cold draughts.

Zane,” he replied, piercingly, “what you need for your hat is a head!

Her eyes were piercingly bright and on her lips was etched a sardonic smile.

“And piercingly cold, my dear John,” interrupted Mrs Sudberry.

He held out his hand, staring frankly, but piercingly, into John's eyes.

It was almost too warm, although the weather outside was piercingly cold.

And Vivian fixed his bright eyes full and piercingly on mine.

He was small and wiry, with a hawk nose and piercingly intense eyes.

Madame de Ruth ceased laughing and looked at her piercingly.