Pitting [verb]
Definition of Pitting:
oppose, play off
Sentence/Example of Pitting:
And they will insist on pitting their years against our brains all over the field.
He was pitting himself like the gambler against the final throw.
We determine which is the faster horse by pitting one against the other in a race.
So were cherries, dried in exactly the same manner, after pitting.
After breakfast I had the explanation with Pitting and paid him.
But no assurance of coal can be had without boring or pitting.
Let me say sincerely that I am not pitting my knowledge or industry against his.
Possibly his mother had wearied of pitting her will against his.
First there was the picking by men and the cutting and pitting by Mexican girls.
The massive gateway with its pitting of Saracen round-shot has no guard.