Poems [noun]

Definition of Poems:

highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece

Synonyms of Poems:

Opposite/Antonyms of Poems:


Sentence/Example of Poems:

I am hoping that some readers will look on this collection primarily as a book of poems.

Is it possible that you hav'n't read the poems of Rosamunda?

All my life I have loved her—her statues, her poems, her great deeds.

A number of other poems by Kendall appeared in the same magazine during 1860 and 1861.

But of all his poems, the most popular, and deservedly so, is the Skylark.

We have one collection of poems in which he speaks in his own person and of himself.

The phenomenal increase is partly explained by the success of his poems.

The Kilmarnock Edition of his poems was published on 31st July.

But before leaving my native country for ever, I resolved to publish my poems.

His poems cover a wide range—lyrics, ballads, idyls, and dramas.