Positivenesses [noun]

Definition of Positivenesses:


Synonyms of Positivenesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Positivenesses:

Sentence/Example of Positivenesses:

"That's just because he's part Indian," Evadna declared, with the positiveness of youth and inexperience.

The positiveness of their beliefs was a special source of wonder to him.

She varied her phrase, with the same incongruous effect of positiveness.

All things strive for positiveness, for themselves, or for quasi-systems of which they are parts.

It was a sort of muffled wail, but there was no mistaking its positiveness.

Well, at least he hadn't stated with positiveness that there hadn't been and couldn't be.

"They would if you were consistent," answered Mr. Sam, with positiveness.

Stuart's champion tossed her head with the positiveness of conviction.

"Of course," replied Johannes, with a positiveness that was a challenge.

Whether they had entered or not was something that could not be stated with positiveness.