Pounds [noun]

Definition of Pounds:

sixteen ounces/.454 kilograms of weight

Synonyms of Pounds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pounds:


Sentence/Example of Pounds:

I threw off all reserve--about half a pound, I should judge.

I'll give you two cents a pound for as many as you want to sell.

But in Spain, the dollar goes as far as the pound in England.

Pound, pound, pound, the hard road rang with the thunder of hoofs.

To a pound of the lean of a leg of veal, allow a pound of beef suet.

Just before you take them from the fire, stir in a pound of brown sugar.

Mix the whole together, and pound it to a paste in a marble mortar.

Pound the veal also in a mortar, adding butter to it by degrees.

Allow half a pound of butter to a pound of maccaroni and half a pound of cheese.

Allow a pound of loaf-sugar to every pound of the sliced pine-apple.