Prattling [adjective]
Definition of Prattling:
Synonyms of Prattling:
Opposite/Antonyms of Prattling:
Sentence/Example of Prattling:
Prattling, shrill chirping, and ringing bursts of laughter could be heard.
At night time old Mother Chantemesse heard them prattling softly.
Polly was prattling like a parrot, but Glory was silent and almost sad.
He remembered her as a pretty, prattling thing of ten or eleven.
What is the use of prattling about Universal Brotherhood, if you do not live it?
Nor why I want to keep Mademoiselle Rose from prattling to him?
Mrs. Cassley was prattling on, but her voice was merely a haze of sound to him.
Chatting is the practise of adults, prattling that of children.
There she was, sitting up between them, prattling and laughing.
To a woman it indicates that she is foolish, prattling and idle.