Pregnancies [noun]

Definition of Pregnancies:


Synonyms of Pregnancies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pregnancies:


Sentence/Example of Pregnancies:

The hygiene of pregnancy, labor and its sequels, is of the highest importance.

Figure 21 shows a human embryo at the beginning of the fifth week of pregnancy.

The phenomena of pregnancy, birth and suckling are known to all, so that I shall be brief.

They will then cease to hide their pregnancy and to be ashamed of it.

Pregnancy and childbirth play a large part in their delirium.

There are some other differences between the two sorts of pregnancy.

It did not seem probable, as she had no symptoms of pregnancy; still it might be so.

Bowel hygiene is an important part of the management of pregnancy.

Every care should be given to the hygiene of pregnancy and labor.

Deformities of the pelvis, etc., should rule out a consideration of pregnancy.