Prejudicial [adjective]

Definition of Prejudicial:

harmful, undermining

Synonyms of Prejudicial:

Opposite/Antonyms of Prejudicial:

Sentence/Example of Prejudicial:

Holland, besides, told me that any excitement would be prejudicial.

But I should not like to involve you in a dispute which might be prejudicial to your interests.

Burckhardt's stay at Mecca had already been prejudicial to him.

Page 436Next to turning out bag-men, lifting of hounds is the most prejudicial.

Thus, who are they that derive from fiction and literature a prejudicial effect?

What was Christian and what was prejudicial was, fortunately for him, left undefined.

Do think, James, how prejudicial it must be to your interests to quarrel with my father.

This page will be prejudicial in more than one way to the unfortunate author.

He fears the expense, and the consequence must be prejudicial.

You think that my sudden appearance might be prejudicial to them?