Princes [noun]

Definition of Princes:

royal person

Synonyms of Princes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Princes:


Sentence/Example of Princes:

It was Chrysippus, prince of Clazomenæ, the nephew of Anaxagoras.

"But you went to Athens, and took no care for your country," rejoined the prince.

I have sought thy daughter in marriage for Xerxes, prince of the empire.

They called him a King or a prince and obeyed his orders for their own common benefit.

Their triumphal entry into Adelaide was a demonstration worthy of a prince.

The prince was residing at his "Garten," (villa) two miles out of town.

The prince and princess are hailed and received at the castle as king and queen.

The Prince of Wales and other members of the royal family were present.

"There sits the prince," whispered Sir John Chandos, as they entered.

Between friends, there is overmuch of the hangman in him, and too little of the prince.