Professionals [noun]

Definition of Professionals:

person prepared for work by extended study or practice

Synonyms of Professionals:

Opposite/Antonyms of Professionals:

Sentence/Example of Professionals:

"I beg your pardon—I meant to the professionals," interrupted Hester.

Yet, taking them all in all, the military 'cut up' better than any other professionals.

Sure, that part of it was all right, but why did the professionals have to join the party?

Everything these Kwanns do involves magic, and the shoonoon are the professionals.

We professionals are not to be classed with these extras—and amateurs at that!

We have actors in plenty, not without a sprinkling of professionals.

But if professionals must be summoned as witnesses, ordinary men may sit as jurors.

"Damn it, I wasn't ready for him," we heard Thorpe say in the professionals' room.

Some are professionals, while others flirt just to have a good time, probably.

That they were professionals "out of engagement" was evident at a glance.