Promotions [noun]

Definition of Promotions:

higher position in organization

Synonyms of Promotions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Promotions:

Sentence/Example of Promotions:

In the past year there were many changes in the way of promotions.

Letter of Washington on the subject of promotions in the army.

After he entered the army, he was bribed with promises of promotions and honors.

The creation of wings involved some transfers and promotions.

Promotions had been made a little too rapidly for public digestion.

The price of Ely Central and other Scheftels promotions dropped.

Promotions in the army in those days were not so rapid as at the present time.

For in these days, what else do we seek for in the Church than rich benefices and promotions?

Of course there are promotions and superior posts to be obtained.

It is they who block the avenues of promotions and not the sons of the soil.