Promptness [noun]

Definition of Promptness:


Synonyms of Promptness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Promptness:


Sentence/Example of Promptness:

The vigour and promptness of these measures cannot be too highly extolled.

His answer came with a promptness that showed he had considered, also, that.

These were ordered with consummate skill, and executed with promptness and success.

One secret of Morgan's success was the promptness with which he struck.

Perhaps this promptness has never been equalled in Kentucky.

Order and promptness have been necessary to me in every step of my way.

"Yes, I do," said the old gentleman with the promptness of desperation.

“Nora is usually the soul of promptness, too,” reminded Anne.

Theodore's promptness was sometimes a great inconvenience to the sleepy clerks.

With the promptness, not only natural in him, but added to by long habit, Theodore went to work.