Promulgators [noun]

Definition of Promulgators:

founder, inventor

Synonyms of Promulgators:

Opposite/Antonyms of Promulgators:


Sentence/Example of Promulgators:

She nodded toward the promulgator of Heaven-born ideas, who bowed solemnly.

How this last doctrine was defended by its promulgator, we cannot say.

The nation was satisfied with her performance, and grateful to her promulgator.

He was great only as the promulgator, not as the inventor, of ideas.

But what has the House to do with this; or why should it become the censor and promulgator of the speeches of its own members?

It seems almost incomprehensible that the promulgator of such political views should have taken himself seriously.

Du Bois is not a leader of men, as Washington is: he is rather a promulgator of ideas.

Joseph Smith, the prophet, was the promulgator under God of these principles.

Boston has been not only the promulgator, but in a great measure the tutor, of American music.