Propinquities [noun]

Definition of Propinquities:


Synonyms of Propinquities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Propinquities:


Sentence/Example of Propinquities:

Your mother is as ignorant of the propinquity as Greta herself.

We really drifted into an engagement more because of propinquity than anything else.

Just that I was wrong; and I admit freely that I was wrong in scoffing at the propinquity.

She appeared to have forgotten the propinquity of other persons.

The birds had now nothing to fear from the propinquity of the hut.

It did not appear to him to be a matter of a dark night and a propinquity and so on.

It is the consciousness of the propinquity of some deadly and loathsome disease.

That same chord within him thrilled to her voice, her propinquity.

Our propinquity was evidently neither novel nor discomposing.

That is the penalty of prairie life; there is no escape from propinquity.