Proponents [noun]

Definition of Proponents:

person who advocates, supports cause

Synonyms of Proponents:

Opposite/Antonyms of Proponents:

Sentence/Example of Proponents:

Proponents of the Ancien Régime.Dynasties (divine right monarchs).

I understood, Mr. Chairman, that that was in regard to the proponents of the measure.

There are many here who are opposed to the provisions of the bill, and those who are its proponents are in favor of them.

The proponents of Marxism were welcomed into China as trusted friends.

The proponents of the social contract are in no better case.

There were those, however, who distrusted the Constitution and distrusted its proponents.

Such action would be but just to all parties—to both the proponents and the opponents of the present system.

Both opposed secession and voted against it in a convention in which it was apparent that its proponents held a majority.

The proponents of continued centralization of strike power were the more disciplined eastern members.

The "proofs" alleged by the proponents of natural religion have, of course, little cogency.