Propria [noun]

Definition of Propria:


Synonyms of Propria:

Opposite/Antonyms of Propria:


Sentence/Example of Propria:

The predicate must either be Genus, or Proprium, or Accident, of its subject.

Thus, if it be proprium of man to be a walking-biped, it must also be proprium of bird to be a flying-biped.

Thus, he may predicate biped as a proprium always belonging to man.

It is a proprium per se of man to be an animal by nature tractable.

Pulchr is not proprium of just; therefore, pulchrum is not proprium of justum.

If A be really a proprium of superficies, it cannot be also proprium of body.

Learning is an accident in man, though educability is a proprium.

But this is a Proprium of the second kind, which follows by way of causation.

What Swedenborg calls 'selfhood,' the proprium, is not in him.

That he wears a yellow robe is a proprium, derivable from the ceremonial of his court.