Prorogations [noun]

Definition of Prorogations:


Opposite/Antonyms of Prorogations:

Sentence/Example of Prorogations:

He suggested that the general should reopen it after the prorogation.

Soon after the prorogation William set out for the Continent.

They were confined till the prorogation, and were much visited.

The heat of the dispute rendered a prorogation necessary (March 14).

So you have decided on prorogation, said Talleyrand to one of the ministers.

The prorogation of the legislature had been appointed for September 15th.

His reply was followed by the prorogation of the Assembly (May 26th).

The first question that arose was, What was to be done about the prorogation?

There remains for consideration the prorogation of Parliament on the 13th of August.

The armistice was about to expire and the Journal Officiel did not speak of a prorogation.