Providential [adjective]

Definition of Providential:


Synonyms of Providential:

Opposite/Antonyms of Providential:


Sentence/Example of Providential:

"It was providential, your seeing the rock," he said to the engineer.

And indeed it seemed as if they must have been misguided in some providential manner.

My trip to the Himalayas and all incidents of the past two years were providential.

But all their counsels were blasted by a happy and providential circumstance.

The sight of the vessel impressed them as a providential apparition.

There does not appear to be any need of Providential interposition.

It was a happy inspiration—shall we not say a providential one?

By what providential fatality had God brought them in the track of the fugitives?

Alas that the Providential design, though so palpable, should be so often disregarded!

Its providential Use, in fixing our Principle, and ascertaining our Virtue, v.177.