Provoking [adjective]

Definition of Provoking:


Synonyms of Provoking:

Opposite/Antonyms of Provoking:


Sentence/Example of Provoking:

But again, in a provoking manner, he reminded me of the prohibition.

Oh, this has been the gladdest, most provoking day of my life, for I had only a moment with him.

I was provoked, and I married in hopes of provoking the man I loved.

I am detained in town by provoking, tiresome, but necessary business.

The clerk looked at it with provoking composure, and then compared it with some papers.

But it is provoking to find people so blind—so wilfully blind—to their own interest.

He would then drag Therese along with him, provoking her to wrestle, to roll in the grass.

The two days and nights following Ezra's departure had been strenuous and provoking.

"Good evening, Sarah," cried Liza, with an air of provoking familiarity.

That was one of the most provoking things about this girl, she would not lose her temper.