Proximately [adverb]

Definition of Proximately:


Opposite/Antonyms of Proximately:

Sentence/Example of Proximately:

These men, as we believe, were proximately the means of his ruin.

It is proximately reached in man, for man is the existent reason.

In the other, they are discordant, and are forced to reach their proximately proper adjustment through antagonism and struggle.

The proportion of expenses due to these enterprises and results may, in like manner, be proximately calculated.

The former is the great, substantial productive force: the latter is not immediately, or proximately, productive.

But diseases were only immediately or proximately caused by disturbances in the balance or harmony of the humours.

The same remark is proximately true of the literary life of the First Empire.

The motion at any subsequent instant is proximately caused by the motion which took place at the instant preceding.

Proximately to complete our investigations—already far advanced—into the origin of the Universe.

It was proximately Austrian recklessness and indirectly, but just as strongly, German ambition.