Pruriences [noun]

Definition of Pruriences:


Opposite/Antonyms of Pruriences:

Sentence/Example of Pruriences:

It is the curiosity and enthusiasm of youth rather than the prurience of age.

There is something unpleasant, painful, degrading in this ingenious mingling of prurience and prudery.

It is refreshing to turn from cynicism and prurience, to gentle and more harmless pleasantry.

But, free of the prudery of the tabernacle and the prurience of the boulevard, surely the novel has a great future before it.

The prurience and prudery which have poisoned sexual life in the past are alike rendered impossible.

(Insouciance is the want of desire and renunciation of prurience and not the abdication of enjoyment).

Burton argues that the "naive indecencies of the text of The Arabian Nights are rather gaudisserie than prurience."

He never spoke on this subject with the slobbery grin of the voluptuary, or the leer of prurience.

His enormous popularity, the widest in the world of letters, owes absolutely nothing to prurience or curiosity.

That amazing mixture of sententious moralities, of prurience, and of mawkish sentiment, became the rage of the Town.