Pummelled [verb]

Definition of Pummelled:

beat, pommel

Synonyms of Pummelled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pummelled:

Sentence/Example of Pummelled:

"Don't you talk to mah sister that way," Jason shouted as he pummelled the doctor.

She pummelled its cushions with her fists for some time and then put a pillow on it.

He gesticulated, he swore and he pummelled the cringing Hentzi.

Penrod pummelled till he was tired, and produced no greater effect.

It was different when we were children and pummelled each other.'

The widow was pounded and pummelled until the police rescued her.

A prominent, if not most popular, sergeant, had been pummelled.

The baronet rose; and the butcher instantly took his head "into chancery," and pummelled him to his heart's content.

In getting this revenge they fell upon their shadow, pummelled him with great severity, and badly injured him.

He immediately rushed up to me, shook my hands and pummelled my back.