Purifier [noun]

Definition of Purifier:


Synonyms of Purifier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Purifier:


Sentence/Example of Purifier:

Now fill a glass nearly full of water, and stand the purifier in the glass.

Zoroaster was not their founder, but was their reformer, and the purifier of their doctrines.

Out of all womankind, she was designed to be my life's playmate and my soul's purifier.

Very different is the saving breath of the great Sea; in itself it is a purifier.

Its top is held up by the gas, which comes into it from the purifier.

Luther felt his mission to be that of a purifier, not a destroyer.

A spoonful night and morning for a week or longer, as an alterative or purifier of the blood; in skin diseases, &c.

The purifier remains on deck, and only laughs in his sleeve.

The water-jug of the Orsova purifier was there in an invisible shape!

"Well, it doesn't matter to me," said the purifier, with a shrug.