Puritanism [noun]
Definition of Puritanism:
Opposite/Antonyms of Puritanism:
Sentence/Example of Puritanism:
These men mean that Puritanism shall be rooted out of England.
Not even his Puritanism could enjoy an unlimited diet of oratorio.
However, the Puritanism of his ancestors stood him in good stead.
It remembers the hardness of Puritanism, and has no admiration for its virtues.
In his combat with humanistic purism he foreshadows a Christian puritanism.
Certainly Euphues does not prove that Puritanism was latent in him.
Slavery drove the whole Puritan community back on its Puritanism.
It involved the surrender of a long-settled principle of Puritanism.
Puritanism may be said to have proved, in England, a signal failure.
The villages of New England—the foci of blue laws and Puritanism.