Quacked [verb]

Definition of Quacked:

laugh irritatingly

Synonyms of Quacked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Quacked:


Sentence/Example of Quacked:

It muddled the water with its beak, drank, and quacked to the life.

I could not get them into it; I quacked and snapped at them, but it was no good.

They screeched and quacked and scolded, pecking at his legs as he got among them.

They quacked and scuffled in the thick reeds at night, as we walked near them.

The Duck quacked and made a great noise, but she was soon silenced.

Then Jimmie, just to show what he could do, quacked again, harder than before.

Before she knew it, Quackalina had flapped her great wings and quacked aloud three times, and three times again!

He quacked indeed, but he would not bend his head or bow to the old duck properly.

Swallows under the windows were twittering and preparing to fly, ducks splashed and quacked in the neighbouring pond.

When he quacked back that he could not, the flock returned and showed him again and again how easy it was to fly over the fence.