Quahog [noun]

Definition of Quahog:

bivalve living in ocean

Synonyms of Quahog:

Opposite/Antonyms of Quahog:


Sentence/Example of Quahog:

The 'neck' is a foot, and it's little because the quahog doesn't burrow deep.

It is to this family that the quahog or hard clam of our markets belongs.

Quahog, kwa-hog′, n. the common round clam of the North American Atlantic coast.

The quahog is a thick-shelled, roundish mollusk with a distinctly heart-shaped outline when looked at endwise.

The former (Venus mercenaria) was called by the Indians "quahog," and is still so called in the Eastern states.

D'you know what answer the little boy got that asked the quahog the time o' day?