Quotes [noun]

Definition of Quotes:

repetition of something spoken or written by someone

Synonyms of Quotes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Quotes:


Sentence/Example of Quotes:

He quotes Dr. Chervin's labours, with great and just applause.

I bet you what you like Onions Winter quotes that all over the place.'

"The 'bells they go ringing for Sarah,'" quotes Mr. Luttrell, irrelevantly.

"'Fain would I climb, but that I fear to fall,'" quotes Molly, jestingly.

He had a ringing English precedent in Sidney, whom he quotes.

Mr Hunter then quotes the words of the original record, which is in Norman-French.

With regard to cancer, he quotes from Archigenes and Leonides.

Whenever he quotes his contemporaries it is in order to criticise them.

The sentiments of Augustin, which he quotes, are truly judicious and edifying.

Carlyle quotes Schiller against him, amongst other and greater names.