Radix [noun]

Definition of Radix:

base, core

Opposite/Antonyms of Radix:

Sentence/Example of Radix:

Radix: base of wings, and their point of insertion; see pteropega.

The root (radix) of the verb does not by itself indicate tense.

This word appears to be a derivation from the radix Wawb, white.

Bik, is, apparently, the radix of the expression for “rock.”

The root is quite the same as that of the officinal Radix senegæ.

Bik, is, apparently, the radix of the expression for "rock."

It was a startling step; radix malorum we may call it, so far as the later development of the continental situation is concerned.

The root-stalks of Agropyron repens (Radix Graminis) have aperient and diuretic properties.

On the outside was written "Radix pedis diaboli" with a red poison label beneath it.

And it is only by dissecting such compounds that the radix can be attained.